So, without thinking twice, you’ve decided to sign up for a guitar course. Congratulations! Now you’re looking for a guitar teacher and a guitar school, comparing prices and locations. However, not everyone thinks about the quality of guitar lessons. After all, this is the most likely way to play the guitar correctly with ease and pleasure!

Music education

Dear beginners, moms and dads of talented children, ask which university your chosen guitar teacher graduated from. Naturally, a guitar teacher should have a higher musical education in the guitar class. As practice has shown, there are many self-taught teachers in Kyiv. And the quality of guitar training is appropriate.

A guitar teacher is an educator

Another important point in the pedagogically correct approach to teaching guitar to children and adults. There should be not only understanding but also moral support between the teacher and the student. Guitar lessons for beginners are not always easy. And to overcome this path, you need to work hard on yourself, be persistent and take steps forward, even if you don’t immediately succeed. Not just a guitar teacher, but a teacher will help you with this. As the saying goes, “the journey of a thousand kilometers begins with the first step.”

Work experience

Experience in teaching has no price! How many trials and errors did the teacher have in learning to play the guitar in a year, 2 years, 5 years, 10 years … One thing is clear, the more teaching experience a teacher has, the better. At Serenada Guitar School, we recommend a teacher with up to 20 years of experience for one simple reason: a guitar teacher must keep up with the times. And teach guitar playing modern songs and pieces. So it’s better to pay attention to the teacher’s modernity and work experience in combination.

This is the most valuable feedback for you. There is no more clear indicator of the quality of education. See how many children and adults have taken a guitar course, listen to them play the guitar, watch videos of guitar lessons, and concerts.

Additional bonuses for the guitar teacher. Not only pedagogical, but also creative activities of the guitar teacher are welcome. Each teacher should have their own method of teaching guitar. At best, a manual or a guide. Performing at concerts, having a band, duets, own songs, etc. Any active activity in terms of creative expression of the musician.