Musical thought is created from musical sounds, the quality of which largely determines the quality of the pieces played and the guitar performance in general. The choice of guitar plays a crucial role in terms of sound quality, as well as the choice of music style. Learning to play the guitar from the very beginning of the lessons should be done correctly so that it is remembered once and for all. Namely, you need to pay attention to the correct posture, the position of the right and left hands, and you need to make sure that the arms and body are relaxed, the fingers of both hands retain a semicircular shape, and are parallel to each other, all together.

In guitar lessons, exercises to develop technique allow you to produce a clear, high-quality sound in a natural position without stiffness of the hands. Systematic guitar lessons and work on mistakes allow you to work out the technique to automaticity, which significantly speeds up the process of learning to play the guitar.

The fingering method of sound production

The sound is produced using the nails on the fingers of the right hand. The tips of the fingertips (closer to the nail) touch the strings and almost simultaneously the string slides onto the nail, which makes the string sound. This impact makes the sound strong and bright. When playing with the fingernail method, the nails should not be longer than 1.5-2 mm above the level of the finger pads, should have a semicircular shape, and their ends should be well polished. The thumb is able to extract the sound with the edge of the pad.

The method of producing sound with the fingertips of the right hand is that the fingertips of the right hand are touched only with the fingertips, without the participation of the nails. Guitarists almost never use this method because the instrument sounds much quieter than with the nail method. If you produce sound only with your fingertips, then your nails should, of course, be shortly trimmed.

Learning to play the electric guitar

The electric guitar is mostly played with a pick. When you use it, the sound of the chords acquires a specific character, which emphasizes the rhythmic pattern of the musical piece, giving it a peculiar color. To produce sounds correctly with a pick, you need to make rather sharp and fast brush movements, taking into account the nature of the piece you are playing and the specified chord length.


Recently, guitarists have begun to use fundamentally new ways of playing the guitar – sound production with the fingers of the right and left hands by striking the strings on the fretboard between the frets on the neck. The sound on the guitar is produced by plucking, or, more precisely, striking the strings with the fingertips of the right hand. The thumb plucks away from you, while the index, middle, and ring fingers pluck toward you. You can produce sound on a guitar string from the base to the neck. The section where you can extract the sound should be divided into three parts.